Cost of Loyalty

The cost of loyalty with 'Balance Abusers' comes at the price of loyalty with one owns "self".

By the way, every one of my reader must know by now that; almost all of my posts here are written in the realm of the self, so if you don't enjoy that, feel free to take yourself off my blog page and do something other then bitching about how people are or what they do. 

Back to topic. I have been learning about human nature for the longest time I can remember (started with my own self of course), & I can comfortably say that if it's not the Australian aborigines I'm putting my thoughts on, you can find some good advice on all others. Now, let me share with you how it has benefitted me. From the start of time, being the center of attention made me very vary of the company around me, and I've had quite a time dealing with the modern world humans with all sorts of interests, motives and desires. I've been applying my learnings while dealing with people in my professional and personal life for my own benefit, as my understanding eventually made things simpler for me in my day to day living, it comes in handy to save my time and to contain energy only for what matters. The reason i post these blogs publicly can be as small as lighting up a perspective for any one of you, so you walk out with a little bit of learning that can be applied, or further modified as you desire for the betterment of your own life.

Humans program themselves on how they act about everything, and that goes for each and everything during their daily living, sometimes for the good and sometimes for the bad. 'Many around you and me may revert to things that may cause certain uncertainties for others', such as a person stealing someone's month of pay just to feed themselves because that's the only way they think they can fix their situation (which is never the case) and it works well for them. Although; it ruins the balance of the victim, becoming the sole reason for the victim being snatched of what they have rightfully earned, and it's very fair to say that the ones on the right path always find a way out of their difficulties. Further in this situation the "Balance Abuser" may fit it right in their head, that they have to pay bills and have a family to run so their actions are justified although that's not the ethically justifiable at the expense of others. That's not the case because it doesn't fall under the category of ethical means of living a life. As for the victim, they will find a practical solution to take a loan from a friend or colleague or family, and they even pay back what they initially lost due to the deeds of others and I'm sure this won't be hard for you to understand. Now, let's take a look at this situation from a different point of view.

Similarly, the ethical boundaries are manipulated, twisted or redescribed by human beings in the same manner like the "Balance Abuser" but the principles of ethics are described quite clearly the same for all humans. It's not just about the money because let's face it; money comes and goes but there are far more factors that affect human mind. To list just a few they can be; happiness, trust, peacefulness or even being taken for granted. Apparently they come at a higher price for the victim than money when distorted willingly by the "Balance abuser". It is quite easy for some to get back in their chi, these are the ones that are totally in control of their emotions and mental state but that is also rare. For the rest of the bunch, it takes some serious changes to bring them back to normality. The same way a broken finger takes its time to heal, psychological disturbances takes its toll on a human life in shape of time, productive change or with what works best for you.

The stakes played in the game of loyalty with the balance abusers takes you further from loyalty with your own self, and it could be at the price of passion in your life or actions based on a bigger vision of your life or being weared out of energy or being manipulated and much much more that words can't define so simply. 

Therefore; investing in people who reason their doings with some shitty story to justify while abusing balance of others is nothing to be taken lightly or to be entertained, only if you take yourself as a human of significant importance in eyes of self or of others. It is wise to control the outcome of your life by letting people in only if they are not pretenders and it's a practice that needs to be practiced by each one of you.

Humans are often blinded by weird scenarios in their life, often finding themselves in a spot they don't want to be in only when it's too late to turn back. Correspondingly to balance abusers, among us are people who are "Balance restorers". They are the ones who are in control of their life and emotions and are not looking for fake handouts to reach heights in life, obedient to their principles and have a keen eye to point out who don't fit in their criteria. Although; they can be fooled for a while but with a keen eye, truth comes out and shit hits the fan. A good example on this perspective is the story about BuckMason, when they turned their back on the best business people of "Sharktank" because they believed in their vision and weren't looking for a handout keeping their principles and values in light whilst rejecting the deals offered on stage. Fast forward to day; this brand have been growing steady during all the years and they have done a massive favor on themselves by believing in themselves to be who they are today. The moral sums up as; good things are reserved for those who live life with principles, passion and ethical boundaries about their life and life of the associated ones regardless what heights they dream or work for to reach.

We all have the choice to be who we are. Life is meaningful keeping 'Balance Restorers' around and being one. Similarly when one don't munch on a rotten apple, most of the time handpicking each apple from the cart to best serve their taste buds, the choice of one's surrounding is very similar. A good choice for yourself liberates your being as a person and to those around. So wisely hand pick the people you keep around and be sure that in the pursuit of being there for others, You don't get caught up in the wrong turn of life.

It's no myth, You must choose for yourself because at the hand of other, one is merely a pawn.


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